Monday, January 18, 2010

Ficus Oriental - Trimmings

Last week I trimmed my bonsai tree. I decided that the growth on some of the shoots was getting a little out of control, so I cut any growth over a few inches. I left two or three leaves on each shoot to allow continued expansion of the branch. I also did some trimming of previous cuts. However, I learned that I don't have the correct tools.

I thought that basic trimming tools and maybe a good pair of scissors would be sufficient for my bonsai work. This was a bad assumption as there are specific tools for the art of bonsai. I learned that the scissors resemble two knife blades coming together as opposed to the blunt cutting edge of most scissors. There is also a specific tool that cuts a concave shape to make a trimming flush with the trunk. This shape also facilitates faster healing of the cut.

While I have made some progress, I need to acquire the correct tools or attend a "Get Wired" class at Bonsai West. I have plans to do this next month. In the short term, I have attended an "Intro to Bonsai" class and I will discuss my education and the newest addition to my collection soon.

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